A personal blogging platform.
This platform is created to share my experiances working with tech. I also it as reference whenever I stuck, it's better not to reinvent the wheel.
If you want to share your ideas, you can contact me to contribute some guest posts.
This platform is not meant to focus on creating lots of content and to make it aid centric. Believe in quality over quantity and most of all clear vision and good intensions.
About author
Ravish Kumar is a programmer by profession. Opted Computer Science for his graduate programme.
He has been in love with tech since his childhood and decided to turn it as profession.
He has diversified hobbies and keeps experimenting with new things. Most of the time he comes across developing completely new solutions. And prior to this platform, it never got shared. He believe in sharing ideas is the ultimate way to learn more.
He started his journey as Ethical Hacker, and gradually developed intrests in Web, Android, Windows, IOT (Internet of things), DevOps, Cloud computing, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Quantum computing, IOS devlopment just to name a few. So he has a lot to share.